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Vecchio 30-08-2004, 13.53.54   #1
Hero Member
L'avatar di claudia1974
Registrato: 26-01-2003
Messaggi: 892
claudia1974 promette bene
qualcuno conosce sto soft? starskin

come diavolo è che sulla virtual machine e sistema operativo winxp inglese funziona mentre sul mio pc e non solo il mio ma su tre differenti mi da errore nel file exe?
sul loro sito ho trovato questo qualcuno saprebbe aiutarmi?

Due to the complex nature of the internal engine of the application you may encounter the following problems. We're doing our best to eliminate every and each however you may want to keep this document handy to resolve the issues in seconds:

1. Problem: Although "Enable All Themes" checkbox is checked the custom themes and styles do not work properly.

Maybe your trial period expired. Please order full StarSkin version.
Please check whether your Windows version is supported by the application. Currently the following versions are proved to be supported:
Windows XP (5.1.2600.0)
Windows XP SP1 (5.1.2600.1106)
Windows 2003 (5.2.3790.0).
If you have the other Windows version and have no problems running the StarSkin under it - please write us.

Should you experience the problems running the StarSkin under the other Windows version write us as well.

Make sure you are installing and running the StarSkin from the Administrator account or with the Administrator rights.
Under some circumstances and if all the above suggestions are confirmed to be followed please try to uncheck the "Enable All Themes" flag and then check it again.
Reboot the computer.

Please make sure that there's a

file exists.

If there's no such a file available it is likely that the setup has been performed from the account with no Administrator rights. StarSkin will not work properly then.

Please run the StarSkin from the proper account.

Select "My computer" folder and click the right mouse button, from the activated popup menu select the "Manage" command, then select Device manager.
In the "View" menu check the "Show hidden devices", expand the "Non-Plug And Play Drivers" node in the tree on the right.

Select the "rxp" device. If there's no such device available it is likely that the setup has been performed from the account with no Administrator rights. StarSkin will not work properly then.

Please run the StarSkin from the proper account. Select this device and click the right mouse button.

In the activated popup menu select the "Properties" command. Please ensure that the "Status" is "started", "Startup type" should be "System".

If you see the other values please change them to suggested.

Restart the computer.

If nothing from the above worked please contact us with as many details as possible including StarSkin and Windows version.

We're doing our best to fix and eliminate any problems with the StarSkin.

Your kind help is highly appreciated.


2. Problem: After new boot screen has been selected I cannot start Windows.

During the startup select the item with your original Windows.

Please check that the version of the installed .exe matched the Windows version.

Select the file and click right mouse button, from activated popup menu select "Properties" and see the version resource. The version of the boot screen that differs with the version of the Windows may not function properly.


3. Problem: After new logon screen has been selected I cannot start Windows.

To recover the system please set the following registry key into the original value ("logonui.exe"):

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\UIHost
You can do that using the regedt32 utility from networking computer or via some recovery tools with registry changing capability.

Please check that the version of the installed logon matched the Windows version.

Select the file and click right mouse button, from activated popup menu select "Properties" and see the version resource. The version of the logon screen that differs with the version of the Windows may not function properly.


4. Problem: When "Emulate theme support" is checked some program does not start or becomes unstable.

Try to add the application to ignore list. This feature may also conflict with monitoring or anti-virus software. In this case you may disable the checkbox or disable the software.


5. Question: Do you support the .bootxp or .logonxp formats?

Not presently. Such a support is planned for one of the nearest releases.


6. Question: How can I check what Windows version I have?

The best way is to check kernel version. Find file

Select the file and click right mouse button.

From activated popup menu select "Properties" and see the version resource.
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Vecchio 30-08-2004, 17.43.18   #2
Hero Member
L'avatar di claudia1974
Registrato: 26-01-2003
Messaggi: 892
claudia1974 promette bene
mi indicate una pagina o un soft che mi traduce dall'italiano all'inglese e l'incontrario?
mi sono registrata sul sisto starskin ma non so scrivere in inglese

Anche se non so scrivere bene non mollerò mai
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Vecchio 31-08-2004, 00.22.17   #3
Registrato: 30-08-2003
Messaggi: 6
Neuronemarcio promette bene
Puoi usare il servizio offerto da Google ( o da Babelfish ( oppure puoi usare il programma Babylon Pro ( in versione di valutazione per 30 giorni. Comunque l'ho installato anch'io e all'inizio mi dava lo stesso problema... per un periodo ho usato la personalizzazione del Desktop predifinita di Windows. Dopo un certo periodo di tempo ho provato ad attivarlo ed ora il prog. mi funziona correttamente senza aver apportate modifiche al S.O.
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Vecchio 31-08-2004, 09.26.00   #4
Depeche Mode Fan
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Registrato: 18-12-2000
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cippico è nella strada per il successocippico è nella strada per il successo
ecco altri link...


Date anche uno sguardo ai miei articoli sul sito
...CLICCANDO QUI ...spero possano esservi utili .
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Vecchio 31-08-2004, 14.10.36   #5
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L'avatar di claudia1974
Registrato: 26-01-2003
Messaggi: 892
claudia1974 promette bene
o scoperto il problema anche se tutta questa notte lo passata al pc non funziona se installo kasparesky antivirus infatti ora con nod32 come antivirus funziona

Anche se non so scrivere bene non mollerò mai
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