30-03-2008, 01.24.24
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Visualizer Photo Resize 6.1
Visualizer Photo Resize 6.1
Visualizer Photo Resize è un programma completo per ridimensionare le vostre foto digitali; implementa un semplice visulaizzatore di immagini e un tool per creare i vostri web album; le caratteristiche principali sono :- JPG Batch Resizing and Compression (automatic Anti-Aliasing for best quality)
- Batch Resize frames from movies (convert AVI Single or Multiple frames to JPG)
- Batch Grayscale and/or Autofix colors
- Resize single images from defined 4:3 (Square) or user defined values
- Watermark Protection (text or JPG, PNG, BMP images and many other features)
- Web album & thumbnail templates (build your own photo albums - 4 skins included)
- Photo viewing and editing - Blur, Invert, Crop, Rotate, Zoom, Grayscale
- Photo improvement - Autofix Colors, Brightness/Contrast
- Capture images from any Digital devices (Camera, Webcam or Scanner)
- Movie viewing and management
- Thumbnail navigation (with menu option)
- Rename, Delete, Copy and Paste images
- Send as e-mail
- Zip & Send
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