<div align="center"><a title="jv16 PowerTools" href="http://www.macecraft.com/images/pt2007/main.png" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/498/mainhg2.th.png" alt="" /></a><br /><br /><br /><br /><strong><font size="4" face="Verdana" color="#527bb5">jv16 PowerTools 2007</font></strong></div><p> </p><div align="justify">Nuova versione <em>2007</em> per <strong>jv16 PowerTools</strong>, un software che, oltre ad eseguire la pulizia del registro di Windows, integra molte funzioni per la pulizia e le performances del sistema operativo.<br /><br />Molte <a href="http://www.macecraft.com/news/133/" target="_blank">novità</a> per jv16 PowerTools 2007; le principali sono:<ul> <li>New registry cleaner engine and user interface - The very first stateful registy cleaner ever made. The new engine doesn't analyze the registry entry by entry but as a whole, a single registry error can be relating to numerous registry entries and keys.</li> <li>New software uninstallation engine - the Software Manager is more accurate and can detect more leftover data than before. The tool can now also detect files and folders related to the software that is being uninstalled, not only registry data.</li> <li>New history cleaning engine and user interface - the History Cleaner can find more history data and MRU (most recently used) lists from both the registry and hard drives than before. And thanks to the fully redesigned user interface the tool is even easier to use.</li> <li>New user interface elements, such as new main graphics, new kind of message reporting, more detailed error reporting for advanced users and so on.</li></ul>Aggiornamenti di jv16 PowerTools<ul> <li>Included a brand new user interface to the entire product.</li> <li>Fixed three bugs from the registry cleaner engine which caused the Registry Cleaner not to list certain types of registry errors.</li> <li>Added support for boolean search queries, for example, you can now use search words like "foo" AND "bar" which would result only items containing both "foo" and "bar". In order to use boolean searches, select Case insensitive wildcard search from the Search Method tab of the specific tool, e.g. Registry Finder or File Finder.</li> <li>Added support for drag and drop search directories, now you can drag and drop the directories for example from where to search with the File Finder.</li> <li>Improved the startup speed of the program.</li> <li>Added Czech and Slovak translations.</li></ul></div><p> </p><table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" align="left"> <tbody> <tr> <td><img width="20" height="20" src="http://www.wintricks.it/image/icons/homeicon.gif" alt="" /></td> <td bgcolor="#527bb5"><font size="1" color="#ffffff"><strong>Homepage</strong></font></td> <td><font size="2"><a href="http://www.macecraft.com/jv16powertools2006/" target="_blank">jv16 Power Tools</a> by <a href="http://www.macecraft.com/info/italian/" target="_blank">Macecraft Software</a></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img width="20" height="20" src="http://www.wintricks.it/image/icons/winflag.gif" alt="" /></td> <td bgcolor="#527bb5"><font size="1" color="#ffffff"><strong>Sistemi operativi</strong></font></td> <td><font size="2">Windows</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img width="20" height="20" src="http://www.wintricks.it/image/icons/progfolder.gif" alt="" /></td> <td bgcolor="#527bb5"><font size="1" color="#ffffff"><strong>Licenza</strong></font></td> <td><font size="2">Shareware 30gg, 29.95$ (licenza per 5 PC)</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img width="20" height="20" src="http://www.wintricks.it/image/icons/filesize.gif" alt="" /></td> <td bgcolor="#527bb5"><font size="1" color="#ffffff"><strong>Download</strong></font></td> <td><font size="2"><a href="http://www.macecraft.com/downloads/jv16pt_setup.exe">jv16 PowerTools 2007</a> [2,30 MB]</font> <img src="http://www.wintricks.it/wtstaff/loghi/ico-ita.png" alt="" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img width="20" height="20" src="http://www.wintricks.it/image/icons/filesize.gif" alt="" /></td> <td bgcolor="#527bb5"><font size="1" color="#ffffff"><strong>Download</strong></font></td> <td><font size="2"><a href="http://www.macecraft.com/downloads/jv16pt_setup_hb.exe">jv16 PowerTools 2007</a> [3,01 MB] <img src="http://www.wintricks.it/wtstaff/loghi/ico-ita.png" alt="" /><br /> <font size="1" color="#ff6600">comprensivo di Manuale Utente (Inglese)</font></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img width="20" height="20" src="http://www.wintricks.it/image/icons/filesize.gif" alt="" /></td> <td bgcolor="#527bb5"><font size="1" color="#ffffff"><strong>Download</strong></font></td> <td><font size="2"><a href="http://www.macecraft.com/html/jv16pt2006_docs/Handbook.pdf">Manuale utente v2006</a> (Inglese) [817 KB] <img src="http://www.wintricks.it/wtstaff/loghi/ico-pdf.png" alt="" /></font></td> </tr> </tbody></table><p> </p><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
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Sono un Vampiro! I am a Vampire!