<div align="center"><img src="http://www.msni.it/wtstaff/loghi/Zortam-Mp3-Media-Studio.png"> <br><br><br><br><b><font color="#527bb5" size="4">Zortam Mp3 Media Studio 7.15</font></b></div><br><br><div align="justify"><font size="2"><b>Zortam Mp3 Media Studio</b> è una applicazione all in one che implementa un ID3 Tag, un CD Ripper che supporta il database CDDB; le caratteristiche principali sono:<ul><li>Mp3 Organizer</li><li>Load 100000 Mp3's and more with the speed of light</li><li>ID3 Tag Editor(Mp3 Tag Editor) with seperate views for - ID3v1 and ID3v2.4 Tags</li><li>Burn Audio or Mp3 CD (CD Burner)</li><li>Create Artist-Album folders when ripping CD</li><li>Add Lyric and Pictures to ID3 tags</li><li>Batch Mp3 Normalize (set custom volume in dB for normalization)</li><li>Find song lyric on the internet (Lyric Finder)</li><li>Batch lyric and cover picture download from the internet (Batch Lyric-Cover Finder)</li><li>Batch Mp3 cover art downloads</li><li>Batch Search for song lyric from the internet</li><li>Batch add cover arts to ID3v2 tag from folder using folder picture</li><li>Create Lyric Book</li><li>CD Ripper with covers/lyric support that uses freedb</li>(Internet Compact Disc Database) and automatically writes ID3v1 and ID3v2.4 tags and downloads cover arts and lyrics as you rip your CD <li>Mp3 Wav File Converter</li><li>Playlist Manager</li><li>Synchronize ID3 Tags</li><li>Write ID3 Tags from filename</li><li>Music Library Reports</li><li>Search Mp3 library</li><li>Copy ID3v1 tags to ID3v2 tags</li><li>Copy ID3v2 tags to ID3v1 tags</li><li>Remove - Delete ID3 Tags (ID3 Tag Remover)</li><li>Remove Art/Picture or Lyric Tags(ID3 Tag Remover)</li><li>Delete, Copy, Rename Mp3 files</li><li>Export ID3 tags to HTML or CSV files</li><li>Generate reports using ID3 Tags</li><li>Search for duplicate Mp3's</li><li>Batch file rename using ID3 tags(Mp3 Renamer)</li><li>Write ID3 Tags From FileName</li><li>Searching media for duplicate Mp3 files</li><li>Automatically update mp3 tags using Amazon.com</li><li>Buy music directly from application using Amazon.com (International), Barnes&Noble.com</li><li>Convert Audio CD to MP3/Wav using FreeDb</li><li>Search Amazon.com for song info and if you wish buy it directly from Amazon.com</li><li>Save karaoke and midi files directly to ID3 tag</li><li>Add karaoke (Kar) and midi (Mid) files directly to ID3 tag, keep them together in Mp3 file and play either Mp3 or Kar file from the single Mp3 file</li><li>Take your Zortam Mp3 Lib (zor) with you</li><li>Automatically synchronize ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags as you browse your computer</li><li>Listen Net Radio radio station</li><li>Download music online from eMusic, Napster, RealNetworks and others</li></ul></font></div><br><br><br><br><table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0"><tbody><tr><td><img height="20" src="/image/icons/homeicon.gif" width="20"></td><td align="center" bgcolor="#527bb5"><font color="#ffffff" size="1"><strong>Home Page</strong></font></td><td><font size="2"><a href="/framer.php?url=http://www.zortam.com" target="_blank">Zortam</a></font></td></tr><tr><td><img height="20" src="/image/icons/winflag.gif" width="20"></td><td align="center" bgcolor="#527bb5"><font color="#ffffff" size="1"><strong>Sistema Operativo</strong></font></td><td><font size="2">98/ME/NT/2000/XP</font></td></tr><tr><td><img height="20" src="/image/icons/progfolder.gif" width="20"></td><td align="center" bgcolor="#527bb5"><font color="#ffffff" size="1"><strong>Licenza</strong></font></td><td><font size="2">Freeware</font></td></tr><tr><td><img height="20" src="/image/icons/filesize.gif" width="20"></td><td align="center" bgcolor="#527bb5"><font color="#ffffff" size="1"><strong>Download</strong></font></td><td><font size="2"><a href="http://www.zortam.com/mms1001.exe">Zortam Mp3 Media Studio 7.15</a> [ 4.54 MB ] <font color="#ff6600" size="1"><b>Installer</b> </font></font></td></tr></tbody></table><br /><br />
PS:seguire i miei consigli è bene,non seguirli è meglio My Learning Blog: Marco's e-Place: please...correct any error with a post, thanks to all!