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Vecchio 12-03-2005, 21.45.52   #1
Junior Member
Registrato: 05-02-2005
Loc.: Sicilia
Messaggi: 71
ninjaxp promette bene
come funziona MBRtool?

ho scaricato MBRTool per potere fare una copia del mio MBR per mettermi al riparo da possibili casini con Linux. purtroppo però non so proprio come usarlo!
chi me lo sa spiegare?

vorrei sapere come copiare l'MBR e come, eventualmente, ripristinarlo in caso di crash.


Non si può fare una frittata senza rompere le uova!!

Sorridi!!! domani sarà peggio...
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Vecchio 13-03-2005, 13.27.46   #2
Hero Member
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Registrato: 29-07-2000
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Manlio promette bene
- Using the command line

"MBRtool /?" will display the help-screen and the copyright notice.
Please look at the examples below to gain a better understanding of the commandline.
The commandline arguments consist of the following:

/xxx - select the action to be performed, where xxx is the selected action (BCK, RST etc.)
/PTM:XyXyXyXy - change partition attribute X for partition y (max 4 times in 1 command)
/DSK:n - select disk to perform the operation on, where n is one of: 0,1,2,3 or A for all
/SEC - select a sector as target, the program will auto-select a target sector.
/SEC:n - select a sector as target, force the program to write the backup to sector n

/FIL - select a file as target or source for a backup, the program will use the default filename
/FIL:filename - select a file as target for a backup, using the filename entered. No extension, the filename must not exceed 8 characters in length

Note :
- selecting all disks (/DSK:A) is only valid for Backup, Checking target sectors, Listing/Clearing backup sectors and Saving track 0. The requested action will only be performed on disks that actually exist. This is checked by MBRtool before the actions are performed.
- when performing a Restore, Verify, Display or Edit function on a backup, you must use /SEC:n or /FIL:filename to specify the location of the backup. If /SEC or /FIL is not entered, the selected action will be performed on the original MBR.
- a filename must be entered (/FIL:filename) when backing up or restoring a track 0.
- backup and restore to/from sectors all happen on the disk were the original MBR is located, meaning : making a backup of the MBR on disk 1 to a backup sector will place that backup in the selected sector on disk 1.

Please note that MBRtool assumes the first disk to be disk 0, the second disk 1 etc.

Examples :

MBRtool /DSP /DSK:0 - will display the MBR for disk 0
MBRtool /BCK /DSK:a /SEC - will backup the MBR of all disks to the first available sector on the disks
MBRtool /BCK /DSK:1 /SEC - will backup the MBR of disk 1 to the first available sector on disk 1
MBRtool /BCK /DSK:0 /FIL:my_mbr - will backup the MBR of disk 0, to file "my_mbr"
MBRtool /RST /DSK:0 /FIL:my_mbr - will restore the MBR from file "my_mbr", to disk 0
MBRtool /BCK /DSK:0 /SEC:3 - will backup the MBR of disk 0, to sector 3 on disk 0
MBRtool /RST /DSK:0 /SEC:9 - will restore the MBR to disk 0, from sector 9 on disk 0
MBRtool /PTM:h1a2 /DSK:0 - will hide partition 1 and activate (and thus un-hide) partition 2 on disk 0
MBRtool /PTM:z1 /DSK:0 /FIL:my_mbr - will zap (delete) partition 1 in backup file "my_mbr"
MBRtool /WT0 /DSK:0 - will wipe track 0 on disk 0
MBRtool /RBC /DSK:0 - will refresh the bootcode in the MBR on disk 0
MBRtool /RBC /DSK:0 /FIL:my_mbr - will refresh the bootcode in backup-file "my_mbr"
MBRtool /RBC /DSK:0 /SEC:6 - will refresh the bootcode in the MBR-backup on sector 6 of disk 0
MBRtool /EPT /DSK:0 - will start the partition table editor to edit the partition table in the MBR on disk 0
MBRtool /EPT /DSK:0 /FIL:my_mbr - will start the partition table editor to edit the partition table in the backup file "my_mbr"

cmq nel file c'è l'help!

DFI Lanparty UT NF4 Sli-D, Athlon X2 4400+, 2x1GB DDR Kingmax PC3700 Hardcore SuperRam Series, 2xIBM/HITACHI 7K250 80GB in raid 0, nvidia 8800GTS 340, Sound Blaster Audigy SE, LiteOn LTD163, Plextor 24x10x40x, NEC-ND2500A@2510A, Enermax 620W, Thermaltake LanMoto black
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Vecchio 13-03-2005, 21.16.03   #3
Junior Member
Registrato: 05-02-2005
Loc.: Sicilia
Messaggi: 71
ninjaxp promette bene
grazie per la risposta!
purtroppo però io e l'inglese abbiamo litigato molti anni fa e non ho capito granchè....
esiste mica una traduzione?

Non si può fare una frittata senza rompere le uova!!

Sorridi!!! domani sarà peggio...
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