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Vecchio 13-04-2005, 15.38.41   #1
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Registrato: 08-07-2003
Loc.: Briansa
Messaggi: 246
Cico2000 promette bene
Imaging e Win Xp

ciao a tutti

vi pongo questo quesito:

Win Xp non ha piu il programma Imaging integrato , gironzolando per la rete ho trovato un documento di word in cui veniva desacritto come integrare l'imaging di win 2k in xp tramite la copia di alcune dll oltre agli eseguibili del programma e alla registrazione di alcuni ocx ...ho fatto tutto e adesso funziona che è un piacere..

la mia domanda è ..imaging non mi risulta installato da nessuna parte sulla macchina ma in caso di controlli potrebbero farmi storie secondo voi ?

dato che si trova su un pc aziendale..secondo me non è legale sta i miei rsponsabili sostengono il contrario...

Se a qualcuno puo interessare posso fare un Copia incolla della procedura...
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Vecchio 13-04-2005, 19.28.01   #2
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L'avatar di real7
Registrato: 28-11-2004
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real7 è nella strada per il successoreal7 è nella strada per il successo
non so se lo usi ma Imaging fa parte di Office
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menu Avvio\Programmi\Strumenti di Office\Microsoft Office Document Imaging

il pessimista vede le difficoltà in ogni opportunità,l’ottimista vede le opportunità in ogni difficoltà
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Vecchio 14-04-2005, 08.59.07   #3
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L'avatar di Cico2000
Registrato: 08-07-2003
Loc.: Briansa
Messaggi: 246
Cico2000 promette bene
grazie , l'office document imaging lo si trova da office Xp in su qui ho ancora i me serve imaging vero e proprio , viene richiamato da un programma particolare .....purtroppo non fa parte della suite office ma di tutti i windows antecedenti a Xp..

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Vecchio 14-04-2005, 09.36.28   #4
Messaggi: n/a
Re: Imaging e Win Xp

Originariamente inviato da Cico2000
ciao a tutti

vi pongo questo quesito:

Win Xp non ha piu il programma Imaging integrato , gironzolando per la rete ho trovato un documento di word in cui veniva desacritto come integrare l'imaging di win 2k in xp tramite la copia di alcune dll oltre agli eseguibili del programma e alla registrazione di alcuni ocx ...ho fatto tutto e adesso funziona che è un piacere..
interessante! puoi linkarci la metodica per favore, mi interessa

per la parte legale non saprei, dipende da dove sono stati presi quei componenti, immagino.
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Vecchio 14-04-2005, 10.58.01   #5
Senior Member
L'avatar di Cico2000
Registrato: 08-07-2003
Loc.: Briansa
Messaggi: 246
Cico2000 promette bene
ecco la procedura completa...

Download this batch file to add Kodak Imaging for Windows to Windows XP

May 13, 2003
Greg Shultz

Update - Today: If you want to find some other helpful enhancements for Windows XP graphics and multimedia, get a look at the Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP.

Windows XP's built-in image viewer lacks some of the functionality of the Kodak Imaging application, which was available in previous Windows versions. Regain this functionally by installing the Kodak Imaging app on WinXP.

You may have heard some of your Windows XP users asking what happened to the Kodak Imaging for Windows application. Upon closer inspection you may have discovered that some of the Windows XP systems have Imaging and others don't. The reason for the discrepancy is that when you upgrade an existing Windows 2000 installation to Windows XP, Setup leaves Imaging on the system. But if you have a brand new Windows XP installation, Imaging is nowhere to be found.

Unfortunately, Microsoft didn't relicense the Imaging application from Kodak for inclusion with Windows XP. It instead replaced the functions that Imaging provided with the Windows Picture And Fax Viewer and the Scanner And Camera Wizard. While these features, along with others in the Windows XP operating system, will provide most of what you need, there are some operations, such as scanning multiple images into one document or applying a rubber stamp annotation, that are no longer available.

If you have users who need and are accustomed to using the Imaging for Windows application, there's a way to extract Imaging's files from a Windows 2000 Professional CD and then install Imaging in Windows XP. While you can perform these steps manually, I’ve created a little batch file that you can run to perform the entire operation.

The full version
If you’re really interested in the Imaging for Windows program, you might want to investigate the full version of this product from eiStreamKofile called eiStream Imaging for Windows Professional Edition.

The procedure overview
To run correctly in Windows XP, the version of Imaging that comes with Windows 2000 requires a number of files. The following is a list of the 23 files that include executable files, ActiveX control files, DLL support files, and the Help files:

Of course, these files are stored in the \I386 folder on the Windows 2000 CD in a compressed format. You’ll need to use the Extract command to expand the files. You’ll then need to place the files in the correct folders in Windows XP. The executable files go in the C:\Windows folder, the Help files go in the C:\Windows\Help folder, and the support files go in the C:\Windows\System32 folder.

Once the files are extracted and placed in the correct folders, you’ll need to register Imaging’s four ActiveX control (OCX) files as command components in the registry. To do so, you’ll use the Regsvr32.exe command line utility. Open a command prompt, change to the C:\Windows\System32 directory, and enter the following four commands:

regsvr32 IMGEDIT.OCX
regsvr32 IMGSCAN.OCX

After you register the ActiveX controls, all you need to do to use Imaging in Window XP, is create a shortcut to the executable file.

Windows 98’s version
I’ve been told that you can perform a similar operation to install Windows 9x’s version of Imaging in Windows XP. I wouldn’t recommend, however, going that route because the Windows 9x version of Imaging has several incompatibilities with Windows XP.

The batch file
Now that you have a good idea of what the procedure involves, let’s take a look at the batch file, shown in Listing A, and see how it does its job. If typing in a batch file isn’t your idea of fun, you can download the file from TechRepublic's Download area. Keep in mind that you may need to edit a couple of lines to customize the batch file for your system.

In line 1 the batch file changes to the CD drive. If your CD drive is assigned to a letter other than D, you’ll need to edit this line and replace the drive letter. Line 2 simply changes to the i386 folder on the Windows 2000 CD-ROM. In lines 3 through 25, the batch file uses the Expand command to extract each file and copy it to the appropriate folder.

Once all the files are extracted, lines 26 and 27 simply switch back to the C: drive and change to the \Windows\System32 folder. Then, in lines 28 thru 31, the batch file runs the Regsvr32.exe command line utility to register the four ActiveX controls.

Performing the installation
When you're armed with the ImagingInstall.bat batch file, installing Imaging from the Windows 2000 CD to Windows XP is a snap. To begin, insert the Windows 2000 CD into the CD-ROM drive. As you close the drive door, hold down [Shift] to prevent the Windows 2000 CD’s Autostart program from kicking in and to prevent Windows XP from recognizing the CD as being from an earlier operating system.

Next, use Windows Explorer to locate and run the ImagingInstall.bat file. As soon as you do, a command prompt window will appear and you’ll see each of the Expand commands being executed. Once that part of the procedure is complete, you’ll see the first of four RegSvr32 dialog boxes, as shown in Figure A. Just click OK to continue.
Figure A

The RegSvr32 utility displays a success dialog box after each ActiveX control is registered.

Once the registration part of the procedure is complete, you’ll need to create a shortcut to Imaging’s executable file—Kodakimg.exe—in the \Windows folder. To do so, use Windows Explorer to locate the executable file. Then, right-click on the file and select SendTo | Desktop (Create Shortcut). You can then place the shortcut on your Start menu.

Running Imaging
As soon as the installation procedure is complete, you can launch and begin using Imaging—there’s no need to restart your system. Imaging will work in Windows XP just the same as it does in Windows 2000. But keep in mind that this little installation routine won’t revive any of the file associations that a regular installation procedure would perform. Fortunately, you can take advantage of Windows XP’s Open With feature. To do so, right-click an appropriate file, select Open With, and then select Choose Program. Use the controls in the Open With dialog box to reconfigure the file association or to simply open a file in Imaging.

Download our batch file that installs Kodak Imaging on WinXP
You can download the batch file mentioned in this article by following this link or by clicking on the Downloads link in the navigation bar at the top of this page. TechRepublic has many useful documents, templates, and applications available for download, so be sure to check out our other offerings.

This download includes the batch file and a Readme file in both Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF format. To increase download speed, we've zipped these files together into one file. You will need an unzip utility such as WinZip or PKZIP to expand the zipped file. You will also need either Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Readme files. You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader here.
Copyright ©1995- 2003 CNET Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Visit us at

X i mod:
se la procedura non è postabile cancellatale pure..vedo di farvi avere il file word via mail...

io ho fatto riferimento alla proceudra per integrare imaging prendendo i file da win poi uno ha volglia gi farsi un bat o qualcos'altro per fargli fare tutto in automatico ci mette ancora meno..

cmq testato e funzionante su un pc con Xp SP2...

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Vecchio 15-04-2005, 16.02.43   #6
Messaggi: n/a
Re: ecco la procedura completa...

Originariamente inviato da Cico2000
Download this batch file to add Kodak Imaging for Windows to Windows XP

May 13, 2003
Greg Shultz

Update - Today: If you want to find some other helpful enhancements for Windows XP graphics and multimedia, get a look at the Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP.

Windows XP's built-in image viewer lacks some of the functionality of the Kodak Imaging application, which was available in previous Windows versions. Regain this functionally by installing the Kodak Imaging app on WinXP.

You may have heard some of your Windows XP users asking what happened to the Kodak Imaging for Windows application. Upon closer inspection you may have discovered that some of the Windows XP systems have Imaging and others don't. The reason for the discrepancy is that when you upgrade an existing Windows 2000 installation to Windows XP, Setup leaves Imaging on the system. But if you have a brand new Windows XP installation, Imaging is nowhere to be found.

Unfortunately, Microsoft didn't relicense the Imaging application from Kodak for inclusion with Windows XP. It instead replaced the functions that Imaging provided with the Windows Picture And Fax Viewer and the Scanner And Camera Wizard. While these features, along with others in the Windows XP operating system, will provide most of what you need, there are some operations, such as scanning multiple images into one document or applying a rubber stamp annotation, that are no longer available.

If you have users who need and are accustomed to using the Imaging for Windows application, there's a way to extract Imaging's files from a Windows 2000 Professional CD and then install Imaging in Windows XP. While you can perform these steps manually, I’ve created a little batch file that you can run to perform the entire operation.

The full version
If you’re really interested in the Imaging for Windows program, you might want to investigate the full version of this product from eiStreamKofile called eiStream Imaging for Windows Professional Edition.

The procedure overview
To run correctly in Windows XP, the version of Imaging that comes with Windows 2000 requires a number of files. The following is a list of the 23 files that include executable files, ActiveX control files, DLL support files, and the Help files:

Of course, these files are stored in the \I386 folder on the Windows 2000 CD in a compressed format. You’ll need to use the Extract command to expand the files. You’ll then need to place the files in the correct folders in Windows XP. The executable files go in the C:\Windows folder, the Help files go in the C:\Windows\Help folder, and the support files go in the C:\Windows\System32 folder.

Once the files are extracted and placed in the correct folders, you’ll need to register Imaging’s four ActiveX control (OCX) files as command components in the registry. To do so, you’ll use the Regsvr32.exe command line utility. Open a command prompt, change to the C:\Windows\System32 directory, and enter the following four commands:

regsvr32 IMGEDIT.OCX
regsvr32 IMGSCAN.OCX

After you register the ActiveX controls, all you need to do to use Imaging in Window XP, is create a shortcut to the executable file.

Windows 98’s version
I’ve been told that you can perform a similar operation to install Windows 9x’s version of Imaging in Windows XP. I wouldn’t recommend, however, going that route because the Windows 9x version of Imaging has several incompatibilities with Windows XP.

The batch file
Now that you have a good idea of what the procedure involves, let’s take a look at the batch file, shown in Listing A, and see how it does its job. If typing in a batch file isn’t your idea of fun, you can download the file from TechRepublic's Download area. Keep in mind that you may need to edit a couple of lines to customize the batch file for your system.

In line 1 the batch file changes to the CD drive. If your CD drive is assigned to a letter other than D, you’ll need to edit this line and replace the drive letter. Line 2 simply changes to the i386 folder on the Windows 2000 CD-ROM. In lines 3 through 25, the batch file uses the Expand command to extract each file and copy it to the appropriate folder.

Once all the files are extracted, lines 26 and 27 simply switch back to the C: drive and change to the \Windows\System32 folder. Then, in lines 28 thru 31, the batch file runs the Regsvr32.exe command line utility to register the four ActiveX controls.

Performing the installation
When you're armed with the ImagingInstall.bat batch file, installing Imaging from the Windows 2000 CD to Windows XP is a snap. To begin, insert the Windows 2000 CD into the CD-ROM drive. As you close the drive door, hold down [Shift] to prevent the Windows 2000 CD’s Autostart program from kicking in and to prevent Windows XP from recognizing the CD as being from an earlier operating system.

Next, use Windows Explorer to locate and run the ImagingInstall.bat file. As soon as you do, a command prompt window will appear and you’ll see each of the Expand commands being executed. Once that part of the procedure is complete, you’ll see the first of four RegSvr32 dialog boxes, as shown in Figure A. Just click OK to continue.
Figure A

The RegSvr32 utility displays a success dialog box after each ActiveX control is registered.

Once the registration part of the procedure is complete, you’ll need to create a shortcut to Imaging’s executable file—Kodakimg.exe—in the \Windows folder. To do so, use Windows Explorer to locate the executable file. Then, right-click on the file and select SendTo | Desktop (Create Shortcut). You can then place the shortcut on your Start menu.

Running Imaging
As soon as the installation procedure is complete, you can launch and begin using Imaging—there’s no need to restart your system. Imaging will work in Windows XP just the same as it does in Windows 2000. But keep in mind that this little installation routine won’t revive any of the file associations that a regular installation procedure would perform. Fortunately, you can take advantage of Windows XP’s Open With feature. To do so, right-click an appropriate file, select Open With, and then select Choose Program. Use the controls in the Open With dialog box to reconfigure the file association or to simply open a file in Imaging.

Download our batch file that installs Kodak Imaging on WinXP
You can download the batch file mentioned in this article by following this link or by clicking on the Downloads link in the navigation bar at the top of this page. TechRepublic has many useful documents, templates, and applications available for download, so be sure to check out our other offerings.

This download includes the batch file and a Readme file in both Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF format. To increase download speed, we've zipped these files together into one file. You will need an unzip utility such as WinZip or PKZIP to expand the zipped file. You will also need either Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the Readme files. You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader here.
Copyright ©1995- 2003 CNET Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Visit us at

X i mod:
se la procedura non è postabile cancellatale pure..vedo di farvi avere il file word via mail...

io ho fatto riferimento alla proceudra per integrare imaging prendendo i file da win poi uno ha volglia gi farsi un bat o qualcos'altro per fargli fare tutto in automatico ci mette ancora meno..

cmq testato e funzionante su un pc con Xp SP2...

grazie mille, davvero interessante (Y)
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Vecchio 15-04-2005, 19.01.01   #7
Messaggi: n/a
Re: Imaging e Win Xp

Originariamente inviato da Cico2000
ciao a tutti

vi pongo questo quesito:

Win Xp non ha piu il programma Imaging integrato , gironzolando per la rete ho trovato un documento di word in cui veniva desacritto come integrare l'imaging di win 2k in xp tramite la copia di alcune dll oltre agli eseguibili del programma e alla registrazione di alcuni ocx ...ho fatto tutto e adesso funziona che è un piacere..

la mia domanda è ..imaging non mi risulta installato da nessuna parte sulla macchina ma in caso di controlli potrebbero farmi storie secondo voi ?

dato che si trova su un pc aziendale..secondo me non è legale sta i miei rsponsabili sostengono il contrario...

Se a qualcuno puo interessare posso fare un Copia incolla della procedura...
intanto ti confermo che funziona perfettamente (Y)
per quanto attiene la parte legale il discorso + o - è il seguente:
dando per scontato che detieni una regolare licenza di XP, il problema concerne solamente il software installato, per cui essendo il programma Kodak Imaging per intero o solo anche per alcuni suoi componenti, di proprietà della Eastman Software Inc. A Kodak Business saresti penalmente perseguibile in quanto prima, al posto tuo prima, i diritti alla Kodak li pagava la Microsoft...per cui dovresti comunque acquistare una licenza.
Però...mi domando, perchè a questo punto ci vorrebbe un legale esperto di queste cose, se uno ha anche una licenza di windows 2000, come nel mio caso, e ne ha prelevato alcune parti (il Kodak imaging nella fattispecie) per utilizzarle, considerando che le ha pagate nel prezzo del Sistema Operativo...chissà che la cosa non sia regolare???

purtroppo non posso essere più preciso.
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