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Vecchio 28-06-2006, 18.35.22   #91
Gold Member
L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
Comunicazione ufficiale fresca fresca...
Dear Members,

Here is the (late) update for I apologize for my late post, but there have been some support issues that have consumed much of my time recently.

Cancer job: I will be submitting a new job today that will actually consist of workunits that we have already processed. The reason for this is that I must submit at least something before I do my result rollup or else members will get the "cannot connect..." message. I will then rollup the results of the current cancer jobs. This will be the final results for all data that Oxford has provided for us to crunch. They will analyze it and hopefully will not require a respin.

I will then look at submitting this same cancer data set against the previous protein that was used. It may take a couple of days to get the job correct so please be patient.

Stats: The team stats did not update the other day so I had to manually rerun the task yesterday. This would affect the stats task that was supposed to run last night so I am rerunning again currently. Everything should be caught up by tomorrow.

Connectivity: Some members have reported some connectivity problems to the portal - members services, forums, etc. Other members are able to connect with no problem. We have not been able to identify what may be happening here. I have not been able to reproduce this issue and there have been no changes to the UD hardware/network. We are still looking into this and if anyone has any additional info, please let me know.

Thank you for your contribution.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 01-07-2006, 19.27.25   #92
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Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
Comunicazione del 29 giugno
Dear Members,

I have rolled up the results from the last batches of data, which completes that batch of data against the current protein. I was also asked by Oxford to run the same data against the previous protein. Until I hear otherwise, that is what we are going to do. Today I submitted a new job that runs the first batch of the latest data against the previous protein we ran against late last year.

This job seems to be taking much longer than the ones we have been running lately. Therefore, I have reduced the ligand count back down to 600. Some members may have received a slow 1200 ligand workunit. If so, please dump that workunit because I have deleted the job and no credit will be given for results.

Finally, it will take a while for one of these workunits to complete. It is possible that there is some sort of problem with these workunits and that they may fail in the final stages of execution. I do not expect this, but I did not get a chance to test this on another system first. If there is some sort of a problem, we will deal with it quickly.

It will be interesting to see if we get any aborts like we did against the previous protein and what that rate is.

Thank you for your contribution.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 04-07-2006, 08.56.09   #93
Gold Member
L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
Comunicazione importante del 3 luglio
Dear Members,

Here is the weekly status.

Cancer Job - Obviously, the WUs are taking too long to process. I tried to upload a new job as soon as possible after rolling up the last batch because many members were talking about leaving. Therefore I did not test how long the new WUs would take, but just that they would indeed process. These long running WUs have caused a harsher response apparently than not having anything to crunch. I guess I can't win either way. Very Happy

I have suspended the 600 ligand job so that no more WUs will be sent out. I have uploaded a new job with a total of 100 ligands. I have not tested how long these will now take. If it is still takes too long, we will reduce the number of ligands further. There is no built in timeout in the previous 600 ligand WUs, so if you want to continue crunching on them you can. I will wait a reasonable amount of time before deleting that job so that credit may be given. If you do not want to continue, delete the WU and you will get one of the 100 ligand ones.

Rosetta Job - I think I mentioned this before, but some members have asked me recently. The HPF project that we were working on is apparently done. There are no more new batches of data available to us to work on. I have heard nothing about participating in HPF2 if there is such a thing. The WUs that are currently active have all been previously processed so the work is redundant. I am not going to delete it though until I am sure that there will be no more HPF projects for to work on.

Thank you for your contribution.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 04-07-2006, 09.07.53   #94
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L'avatar di Lionsquid
Registrato: 03-05-2001
Loc.: Trapani
Messaggi: 11.639
Lionsquid promette bene
infatti sono decine di ore per arrivare al 19%

meglio ridurle a blocchi da 300... mica posso lasciare i pc sempre accesi.... un tempo era oggi non più

... questi politicanti, ex fascisti, ex leghisti, piduisti a tempo pieno usano la crisi per rafforzare il loro potere ed eliminare gli altri, dalla magistratura, al Parlamento, alla Corte dei conti, alla presidenza della Repubblica....
Beppe Grillo
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Vecchio 11-07-2006, 19.53.43   #95
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L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
Nuova comunicazione del 10 luglio
Dear Members,

Here is te weekly status.

Cancer - After a few false starts, I think we have a good Ligand number at 100. These take much longer than the previous ones, but it seems that even a slow machine should be able to crunch a single WU in one week. Unless I hear otherwise, we will stick with 100 ligand WUs.

It also appears that the aborts have gone away. Since nothing has changed other than the protein we are working on (as was the case when they started happening), I think this proves that there was something in the last protein that the Ligandfit application had an occassional problem with and not an issue with UD hardware. Since Oxford delivered the protein, they would have to be the ones to figure out what is different in the two proteins.

Regarding the 600 ligand job, I will let that one spin for another week or two to give everyone a chance to return their results. Otherwise, we will go back to the one week cycle we were on previously with the 100 ligand WUs.

Rosetta - This project is apparently complete. Since I do not know if we will be doing any other Rosetta projects, I am going to leave this running until I hear something official. This means currently any Rosetta work is for points only. The actual work will be ignored. If I turn the job off, I am sure that many machines will get the flashing explanation point and cause an uproar. Active members who read the boards can make a decision whether they want to set their profile to the cancer job only or not. Maybe some members think the Rosetta screensaver is cool. Smile

Connection issues - We have had random connection issues recently. Restarting the load balancer last week appeared to have fixed the issue, but I noticed a few complaints today. I do not know if this is the same issue or something different. There is a request into IT to check the load balancer again to see if it has some sort of chronic problem. In the meantime, I can only suggest to retry until you get the page you want. There is a 50/50 chance you will get directed correctly if the load balancer is acting up. Luckily these are not agent connection issue, but limited to the member web pages.

Thank you for your contribution.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 11-07-2006, 20.02.11   #96
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L'avatar di Lionsquid
Registrato: 03-05-2001
Loc.: Trapani
Messaggi: 11.639
Lionsquid promette bene
si, col gatto che i miei p3-550 riescono a "masticarlo" in una settimana... forse nemmeno se li lascio 24h di fila per 7g ...

infatti ho disabilitato tutti i restanti p3-550 ..niente più UD su quelle macchine...

settimana prossima stacco tutto per 24 gg circa ...

... questi politicanti, ex fascisti, ex leghisti, piduisti a tempo pieno usano la crisi per rafforzare il loro potere ed eliminare gli altri, dalla magistratura, al Parlamento, alla Corte dei conti, alla presidenza della Repubblica....
Beppe Grillo
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Vecchio 11-07-2006, 22.52.58   #97
Gold Member
L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
Purtroppo, questa fase di scaccolo, è diventata molto pesante... Anche ora che ci sono solo 100 ligands le ore di calcolo sono parecchie!

Come scritto sul forum ufficiale e nel post riportato sopra, ci tengo a ribadire che al momento è utile scaccolare solo per il cancro, in quanto l'altro progetto HPF1 è finito e lo scaccolo su queste molecole serve solo a fruttare qualche punto sull'account, ma non ha utilità!

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 17-07-2006, 21.10.24   #98
Gold Member
L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
Aggiornamento del 17 luglio
Dear Members,

Here is the weekly status.

Cancer Job - I received several PMs asking to extend the result credit time on the previous jobs since they were taking so long. Even the 100 Ligand WUs were taking a while for some members. I have submitted a new 50 Ligand WU job to try to get the processing time down. We will see how this works out.

We want all members to be able to participate regardless of the power of their machines. I will leave the current jobs active for at least another week to give time for results to come in. Note that the jobs must be set inactive as always while I roll up the results. Hopefully you will not have the bad luck of trying to return one of these large WU results while the job is inactive.

Please post in a couple days to let me know how the 50 Ligand WUs are working out.

Thank you for your contribution.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices
Lion, penso che ti abbiano ascoltato... Caccole ridotte a 50 ligands...

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 17-07-2006, 21.24.36   #99
Gold Member
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L'avatar di Lionsquid
Registrato: 03-05-2001
Loc.: Trapani
Messaggi: 11.639
Lionsquid promette bene
(Y) e hanno fatto bene!

con 600 era impossibile finire in tempo utile, mica tutti possono lasciare il pc 24h in scaccolo.. la maggior parte si attesta per 6-10h al giorno...

con 100 va bene per i 3000, i 1700 sudano.... tutto ciò che è al di sotto di 1000 non arriva alla scadenza...

in pratica ore e ore buttate!

non dimentichiamoci che il target è concludere il progetto, mica fare punti

con 50 posso pure pensare di rimettere in servizio i P3-550 che avevo disabilitato

anche se per pochissimi gironi... ferie già pianificate.... da sabato prossimo mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare, mare!

... questi politicanti, ex fascisti, ex leghisti, piduisti a tempo pieno usano la crisi per rafforzare il loro potere ed eliminare gli altri, dalla magistratura, al Parlamento, alla Corte dei conti, alla presidenza della Repubblica....
Beppe Grillo
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Vecchio 17-07-2006, 21.56.52   #100
Gold Member
L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
Inviato da Lionsquid
non dimentichiamoci che il target è concludere il progetto, mica fare punti
(Y) Quoto in pieno!

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 01-08-2006, 10.01.47   #101
Gold Member
L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
Comunicazione del 31 luglio
Dear Members,

I am planning on rolling up the results from the previous Cancer jobs and submitting a new one tomorrow. Everyone should be done with the larger Ligand WUs - 600, 300, and 100. I will leave the 50 Ligand WU job active for a week to allow results to be returned. If there is some reason you think this should not happen, please let me know today.

Thank you for your contribution.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 17-08-2006, 19.48.27   #102
Hero Member
L'avatar di vaxxo
Registrato: 19-04-2000
Loc.: Portese - Lago di Garda ora sono ad Urac -->WinTricksItalianTeam: 1°
Messaggi: 521
vaxxo promette bene
Inviato da Lionsquid
(Y) e hanno fatto bene!
con 600 era impossibile finire in tempo utile, mica tutti possono lasciare il pc 24h in scaccolo.. la maggior parte si attesta per 6-10h al giorno...
con 100 va bene per i 3000, i 1700 sudano.... tutto ciò che è al di sotto di 1000 non arriva alla scadenza...
in pratica ore e ore buttate!
Già, infatti nel PIII 933 stanno girando c accole lunghissime... che dite le tolgo o le invio lo stesso??

... bah ormai le ha quasi finite tutte e tre ...

Ama, e fai quello che vuoi (S.Agostino)
Ricordatevi che vi voglio bene ... (Vaxxo)
Dai una missione al tuo PC aiutando la ricerca sul cancro!
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Vecchio 17-08-2006, 20.03.57   #103
Gold Member
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L'avatar di Lionsquid
Registrato: 03-05-2001
Loc.: Trapani
Messaggi: 11.639
Lionsquid promette bene
se sono alla fine.. attendi e spedisci.... almeno non perdi i punti

io le ho buttate tutte perchè ero arrivato appena al 20%... meglio perdere punti che tempo in quel caso

... questi politicanti, ex fascisti, ex leghisti, piduisti a tempo pieno usano la crisi per rafforzare il loro potere ed eliminare gli altri, dalla magistratura, al Parlamento, alla Corte dei conti, alla presidenza della Repubblica....
Beppe Grillo
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Vecchio 28-08-2006, 13.59.15   #104
Gold Member
L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
Comunicazione del 21 agosto
Dear Members,

Here is the weekly status.

Rosetta (HPF) - The Rosetta job has been turned off. I wanted to leave this up to the individual members as to whether they still wished to run Rosetta (some like the screensaver), but some members were very vocal about having it turned off so that is what we did.

Cancer - As I mentioned before and someone confirmed with Inibox, we are rerunning the previous protein against the newest database from Oxford. This is not respinning old data for the sake of running something on I have deleted all of the previous jobs (1200, 600, 100 ligands) since they should have been processed by now. The newer 50 ligand WUs seem to be working for all. Some members have complained that they are processing too fast, but since we do not want to exclude members with slower machines, 50 ligands is what we are sticking with.

Thank you for your contribution.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 28-08-2006, 14.28.22   #105
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L'avatar di Lionsquid
Registrato: 03-05-2001
Loc.: Trapani
Messaggi: 11.639
Lionsquid promette bene

infatti avevo tolto le vecchie p3-550.... sarebbe stato un lavoro infinito...

oggi ho rimesso in servizio alcune macchine.. ma orami restano 4 gg.... dal 1° settembre cambio sede di lavoro e addio esercito

resterò con le 2 macchine casalinghe e solo 1 dall'ufficio.... (e non so ancora che catorcio di pc riceverò)

... questi politicanti, ex fascisti, ex leghisti, piduisti a tempo pieno usano la crisi per rafforzare il loro potere ed eliminare gli altri, dalla magistratura, al Parlamento, alla Corte dei conti, alla presidenza della Repubblica....
Beppe Grillo
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