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Vecchio 08-11-2005, 08.14.00   #46
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L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
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Nuova comunicazione settimanale
Dear members,

Here is the (late) weekly status...

New cancer data: Some progress has been made. The workunit processes without error and does produce limited output. We have an engineer working with this to make sure we are getting the results we expect. upgrade: The new Member Web product is still in acceptance testing.

Rosetta: For some reason, this lastest batch of Rosetta data is proving to be quite intense. Workunits are taking many days to process. In order for members to get fair credit for their work, I will extend the cutoff day for results at least a week and more if it appears that we need it. This gives members who have less powerful machines to still participate in the Rosetta project.

Geographical stats: These are incorrect in the new beta version of Member Web as well, so I have opened a request to have this fixed during the upgrade.

Team stats: There was some sort of an issue on October 24 that caused missing team stats for that day. Our DBA has told me this is because the stats task did not run on time October 24. The way the task is designed, if a day is missed for some reason, data for that day will be missing until the task is manually rerun. Everything should be caught up now.

Thanks to everyone for your contribution.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 13-11-2005, 11.40.55   #47
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Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
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Puppauz promette bene
Nuova comunicazione, scritta oggi stesso...
Dear members, was down temporarily this afternoon due to a problem that we experienced with one of our IP loadbalancers.

Downtime lasted approximately 2.5 - 3.0 hours until the loadbalancer problem was resolved.

Also, please note that another Human Protein folding batch has been released by our partner and is being loaded on immediately.

Thanks for your continued patience and support,
c'è stato un problema sul loadbalancer internet che li ha costretti a rimanere down per due/tre ore.
E' stato appena caricato un nuovo batch di lavoro riguardante lo Human Proteome Folding

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 14-11-2005, 19.39.24   #48
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Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
Ulteriore aggiornamento:
Dear members,

Here is the weekly status... upgrade: will be physically moving to a new facility in the next week. This will provide better reliability and is part of the migration. There was a small outage this weekend due to some hardware maintenance that was performed in preparation for the facility move. Please note that next weekend there will be some additional outages. must be completely powered down in order to move. This will include the forum, member web, and the grid itself. Since this is not a trivial outage, we cannot give an exact time that will be down. The outage will take as long as it takes.

Rosetta: We have received a new batch of Rosetta data that we are in the process of uploading currently. Since the last batch is taking so long to process, we will continue to allow results to be uploaded for a while. Hopefully this new batch will be more in line with the previous batches.

New cancer data: Some progress has been made. The workunit processes without error and does produce limited output. We have an engineer working with this to make sure we are getting the results we expect.

Thanks to everyone for your contribution.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices
La cosa più importante riguarda il primo punto!
Ci saranno degli stop nei prossimi giorni!
Speriamo che ci mettano poco, visto che non sono in grado di dire quanto staranno fermi...

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 14-11-2005, 19.42.24   #49
WT Italian Team Leader
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L'avatar di TyDany
Registrato: 07-11-2001
Loc.: Everywhere with Monster Fede: Desmocredente
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TyDany promette bene
E soprattutto speriamo che non ci siano di nuovo casino con i client
___________________________________ News! -> Il mio sito... la mia vita e le mie passioni... -> TyDany Fotografia, fotografie sportive, ritratti, paesaggi...
Tutto quello che è stato ora non è più... come un colpo di spugna che tutto cancella...
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Vecchio 30-11-2005, 18.29.11   #50
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L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
Nuovo aggiornamento riguardante
Dear members,

Here is the weekly status... upgrade: The physical migration of to the new facility has been completed. There were a few hiccups over the past few days, but everything should be running fine now. For those who care, the "cannot connect" errors that some members were experiencing were due to a problem with one of our border routers that has since been resolved. That is why some members were having no issues while others could not connect at all.

There was a comment about the new hardware on one of the member threads that was not correct. was physically moved, but remains on the old hardware. We are not ready to move to the new hardware yet as we have not finished our acceptance testing of the new software release. Also note that the applications running on will need to be ported to run on the new version of UD software before we can move to the new hardware as well. We had some maintenance done on some of the old hardware to reduce the possibility of another failure until we can move to the new hardware.

Rosetta: Rosetta workunits stopped dispatching for a while earlier today. This problem has been resolved and I verified that I am now able to grab a Rosetta workunit.

Stats: There appears to be a small problem with stats missing for yesterday. I will get the stats job resubmitted shortly so that should be cleared up by tomorrow.

New cancer data: I do not have any new information on this. With the holidays and the move, there has not been any additional work done on this since last week.

Thanks to everyone for your contribution.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 05-12-2005, 19.38.10   #51
Gold Member
L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
Nuova comunicazione ufficiale
Dear members,

Here is the weekly status... upgrade: Now that the move is complete, we continue to work on the new Member Web release. There have been many issues identified that are being fixed. Since the final release has not been delivered yet, that is holding up acceptance testing on the new hardware. It is a good thing that QA is being very thorough with this release and we expect it to be very solid.

Rosetta: There was an issue with the Rosetta job over the weekend. For some reason it quit dispatching. I had our DBA reset the job a couple of times, but it did not help. To resolve this issue, we had to reload the job. Everyone should be able to grab a Rosetta workunit now. I verified that I was able to grab one this morning.

Stats: Stats were rerun for the missing day and everything should be caught up now.

New cancer data: I do not have any new information on this. We are also looking for additional research to be run on since Rosetta will be completed soon and the cancer issue is still outstanding.

Thanks to everyone for your contribution.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices
Molto interessante l'ultimo punto...
Stanno cercando cosa fare nel prossimo periodo, visto che il Proteome è agli sgoccioli e riguardo al cancro non si hanno novità di rilievo riguardo il problema delle caccole...

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 05-12-2005, 20.26.14   #52
Hero Member
L'avatar di Jekol
Registrato: 10-01-2002
Loc.: Catania
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Jekol promette bene
Originariamente inviato da Puppauz
Nuova comunicazione ufficiale

Molto interessante l'ultimo punto...
Stanno cercando cosa fare nel prossimo periodo, visto che il Proteome è agli sgoccioli e riguardo al cancro non si hanno novità di rilievo riguardo il problema delle caccole...

Cioè ???
è finità così ???

già Cruncher for Italian Team
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Vecchio 05-12-2005, 21.17.59   #53
Gold Member
L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
No si continua con il cancro, ma al momento la "messa in produzione" delle caccole che dovevamo iniziare a scaccolare circa 1 mese fa è ferma a causa di un problema non ancora risolto...
Perciò dato che lo Human Proteome Folding è praticamente finito, dovranno trovare qualcos'altro da fare per non sprecare tanto utile tempo continuando a rifare sempre le stesse caccole...
Magari cercheranno altre ricerche "piccole" per tappare i buchi di tempo che si possono avere, come sta avvenendo in questo periodo...

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 06-12-2005, 00.19.49   #54
WT Italian Team Leader
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L'avatar di TyDany
Registrato: 07-11-2001
Loc.: Everywhere with Monster Fede: Desmocredente
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TyDany promette bene
Speriamo si diano una spicciata a risolvere sti problemi
___________________________________ News! -> Il mio sito... la mia vita e le mie passioni... -> TyDany Fotografia, fotografie sportive, ritratti, paesaggi...
Tutto quello che è stato ora non è più... come un colpo di spugna che tutto cancella...
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Vecchio 16-12-2005, 00.06.54   #55
Gold Member
L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
Nuovo aggiornamento settimanale
Dear members,

Here is the weekly status... temporary outage: We experienced a temporary outage last night on This was the result of a change that was made to our web servers for our corporate web site which is being updated and was not anticipated. There was not an issue with any of the software or hardware. This was strictly a web server issue. There should be no reason that devices need to be reregistered. upgrade: Now that the move is complete, we continue to work on the new Member Web release. There have been many issues identified that are being fixed. Since the final release has not been delivered yet, that is holding up acceptance testing on the new hardware. It is a good thing that QA is being very thorough with this release and we expect it to be very solid.

Rosetta: A few members have had problems returning results for some of the huge Rosetta workunits. This is unfortunately due to the length of time it took to process the last batch of Rosetta coupled with the glitch we had last week that caused us to have to resubmit the Rosetta job. Hopefully this only affected a very few.

Thanks to everyone for your contribution.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 19-12-2005, 19.18.04   #56
Gold Member
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Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
Nuova comunicazione, anche se non molto importante...
Dear Members,

There is nothing interesting to report this week. With the holidays approaching all project status remains the same and will through the end of the year. Note that United Devices will be closed 12/23/05 - 01/02/06.

Please have a safe and happy holiday and we will see you back here after the new year.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 22-12-2005, 09.03.27   #57
Gold Member
L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
Nuova comunicazione importante che attendevamo già da un bel po'!!!
Sono due post quasi consecutivi...
Dear Members,

We have made some great progress on getting the new cancer job ready. There was an issue with the format of the data we received from Oxford and we believe that we have resolved this. I have been able to get successful cancer runs using the new data on an internal system. Hopefully we will be able to get some of the data loaded onto today or tomorrow.

In the past we have utilized the beta server and the beta tester team to help verify that things are working correctly before moving to Due to hardware issues this is not going to be possible this time. If you are one of the beta tester members please do not be offended at this. We plan to reinstate the beta tester group when we migrate to the new system. I know everyone is anxious about the cancer data so we will not wait.

What this means is that it is possible that there may be a problem with the job when we submit it. I will be keeping an eye on the system and will be able to flip back to the current job quickly if necessary. Since the current job is basically stale data anyway this should not upset anyone. I will post again once the new job is submitted.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices
I have submitted (one of) the new cancer jobs. I am currently processing ligand 29 of 600 and it appears to be working correctly. We will keep a close eye on it for any problems. The old cancer job has been set to not dispatch any more workunits, but is still active so that any outstanding results can be returned. As I mentioned, there may be a need to do some additional tweaking on the new job, but as of now it looks good.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices
Finalmente le nuove caccole di cancro!!!! (Y)

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 22-12-2005, 13.41.22   #58
Hero Member
L'avatar di Jekol
Registrato: 10-01-2002
Loc.: Catania
Messaggi: 1.495
Jekol promette bene
Ottimo (Y) (Y) (Y)

Grazie Pup

già Cruncher for Italian Team
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Vecchio 22-12-2005, 22.30.44   #59
WT Italian Team Leader
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L'avatar di TyDany
Registrato: 07-11-2001
Loc.: Everywhere with Monster Fede: Desmocredente
Messaggi: 7.677
TyDany promette bene
Ottima notizia, graize Pup
___________________________________ News! -> Il mio sito... la mia vita e le mie passioni... -> TyDany Fotografia, fotografie sportive, ritratti, paesaggi...
Tutto quello che è stato ora non è più... come un colpo di spugna che tutto cancella...
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Vecchio 03-01-2006, 18.25.58   #60
Gold Member
L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
Nuovo aggiornamento sullo stato di Grid
Dear Members,

I hope everyone had a happy new year. Here is the latest status: Outage - As I posted previously, we had a temporary outage due to a blown City of Austin transformer (a rogue squirrel is suspected). This outage should not have required any reregistrations. There was a temporary period where devices may have been "Backing off..." due to a high load after the servers became available, but this should no longer be occurring.

New Cancer Data - A small batch of the new cancer data has been uploaded and members are currently crunching away at it. This is a very small subset of the data we received, ~20 WUs, just so we can verify that we are getting the results we expect. I plan on sending some of the results to our Oxford contact today to verify these are the results they expect. Once that is confirmed, I will upload more data. There have been a few members complaining of occassional lost results. I am not sure how wide spread this is yet nor the cause of the loss. Other members have reported complete success so we will need to investigate this more closely. Note that the old cancer job has been disabled so if you are working on the cancer project, you are crunching the new data.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices
Tralasciando la prima parte che parla del black-out, la seconda parte dice che al momento è stata immesa nel sistema solo una minima parte del nuovo lavoro sul cancro, per poter verificare i risultati (forse oggi stesso) con Oxford, e quindi per poi immettere successivamente il nuovo lavoro con la certezza che i risultati non siano da buttare

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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