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Vecchio 04-10-2005, 01.19.23   #31
WT Italian Team Leader
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Grazie Pup (Y)
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Tutto quello che è stato ora non è più... come un colpo di spugna che tutto cancella...
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Vecchio 07-10-2005, 12.44.58   #32
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L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
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Puppauz promette bene
Tutte le stats sono state reimportate, quindi ora i dati di ogni utente dovrebbero essere corretti!
Potrebbe esserci solo qualche piccola discrepanza, ma il grosso è stato fatto

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 08-10-2005, 01.16.51   #33
WT Italian Team Leader
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L'avatar di TyDany
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TyDany promette bene
Speriamo che le cose vadano a posto definitivamente
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Tutto quello che è stato ora non è più... come un colpo di spugna che tutto cancella...
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Vecchio 09-10-2005, 14.40.09   #34
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L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
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Puppauz promette bene
Nuovo aggiornamento sullo stato di avanzamento dello Human Proteome Folding

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 11-10-2005, 14.58.04   #35
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Loc.: Legnano (MI)
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Finalmente iniziano a dare comunicazioni e aggiornamenti sempre più spesso!
Dear members,

Here is a brief status of some of the issues that are still outstanding.

Member/Team stats: We have now imported all of the stats data that we have. Hopefully everyone's stats are now back to where they should be. There are probably a few points lost here and there due to the outages we have had, but unless we see that the stats are off by months or years, this is as close as we are going to get. There have been a few posts regarding the discrepency between what Member Services shows for stats and what the agent GUI shows for stats. These numbers are taken from different places in the database so it is possible for them to be out of sync especially considering the outages we have had. If you have to pick one, the stats shown on Member Services are the "correct" ones.

New cancer data: We recieved some different ligand files from Oxford to try. The desired results were still not achieved. The job is not failing with an error per se, but rather not doing any scoring at all. This may be because of the docking site or it may be something wrong with the protein. More output files were sent to Oxford. We are currently waiting for their response. upgrade: The new Grid MP 5.0 version was released GA last week and initial testing looks good. We are still waiting for the Member Web piece to GA before we can really start configuring the new hardware for an end to end test. Hopefully that will occur this week.

Rosetta: We are chugging through these with great speed. It is now taking us about a week to finish an entire Rosetta job.

Thanks to everyone for your contribution.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices
Situazione generale (molto riassunta):
1) le statistiche sono state tutte reimportate. Ci potrebbero essere delle piccole discrepanze nei dati dovuti agli ultimi down dei server. I dati giusti da considerare sono quelli presenti nel Member Service sul sito

2) Nuove molecole cancro: da Oxford hanno mandato nuove molecole che non hanno problemi a essere scaccolate ma non danno i risultati che dovrebbero. Stanno cercando di capire il perchè e sono in attesa di notizie dall'università

3) la versione 5 di grid è già stata messa sui server nuovi per test privati, senza riscontrare problemi. Manca ancora la parte riguardante i Member Services ma entro questa settimana configureranno i server per effettuare dei test veri e propri

4) Stiamo scaccolando lo Human Proteome Folding alla grande e viaggiamo al ritmo di un lavoro alla settimana


Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 11-10-2005, 19.22.43   #36
WT Italian Team Leader
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L'avatar di TyDany
Registrato: 07-11-2001
Loc.: Everywhere with Monster Fede: Desmocredente
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TyDany promette bene
Bene, speriamo arrivi in fretta la nuova versione e sistemino sti problemi con le molecole del cancro
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Tutto quello che è stato ora non è più... come un colpo di spugna che tutto cancella...
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Vecchio 19-10-2005, 00.00.32   #37
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L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
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Puppauz promette bene
nuovo aggiornamento
Dear members,

We had a hiccup in the forum software over the weekend making the forums inaccessible. The problem has since been resolved. When the new system is completed, we will be monitoring all critical applications and services. This will allow us to be more proactive in addressing problems like this.

Here is a brief status of some of the issues that are still outstanding.

New cancer data: Oxford has decided to regenerate all of the Ligandfit data, protein and molecule, and make sure that they are getting successful docking and scoring results with the data. Once they are sure that there are actual hits in the data, they will resend it to us. We will then be able to retry running it on the grid hopefully with the expected results. upgrade: Nothing too exciting here. Testing continues on the new product.

Rosetta: Another Rosetta job was finished last week. WUs will be credited through this Friday.

Thanks to everyone for your contribution.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 19-10-2005, 01.20.32   #38
WT Italian Team Leader
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L'avatar di TyDany
Registrato: 07-11-2001
Loc.: Everywhere with Monster Fede: Desmocredente
Messaggi: 7.677
TyDany promette bene
Thanx Pup
___________________________________ News! -> Il mio sito... la mia vita e le mie passioni... -> TyDany Fotografia, fotografie sportive, ritratti, paesaggi...
Tutto quello che è stato ora non è più... come un colpo di spugna che tutto cancella...
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Vecchio 21-10-2005, 12.52.21   #39
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L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
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Puppauz promette bene
Aggiornamento sullo stato dello Human Proteome Folding

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 21-10-2005, 18.28.52   #40
WT Italian Team Leader
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L'avatar di TyDany
Registrato: 07-11-2001
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TyDany promette bene
Pup, scusa una curiosità, ma gli aggiornamenti e le comunicazioni ufficiali ti arrivano via mail? A me sono secoli che non arriva una loro mail
___________________________________ News! -> Il mio sito... la mia vita e le mie passioni... -> TyDany Fotografia, fotografie sportive, ritratti, paesaggi...
Tutto quello che è stato ora non è più... come un colpo di spugna che tutto cancella...
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Vecchio 21-10-2005, 20.54.05   #41
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L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
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Puppauz promette bene
Gli aggiornamenti ufficiali del Grid li prendo dal loro forum nella seione "Member News", mentre i grafici e gli aggiornamenti per lo Human Proteome Folding li prendo dal forum del sito ufficiale del progetto (i personaggi più importanti sono rbonneau e nelsoc).
Riguardo le mail ufficiali, non se ne vedono da tempo immemore...

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 21-10-2005, 20.58.19   #42
WT Italian Team Leader
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L'avatar di TyDany
Registrato: 07-11-2001
Loc.: Everywhere with Monster Fede: Desmocredente
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TyDany promette bene
Ok, thanx, mi era venuto il dubbio che a me non arrivassero per qualche problema
___________________________________ News! -> Il mio sito... la mia vita e le mie passioni... -> TyDany Fotografia, fotografie sportive, ritratti, paesaggi...
Tutto quello che è stato ora non è più... come un colpo di spugna che tutto cancella...
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Vecchio 25-10-2005, 21.56.12   #43
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L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
Nuovo aggiornamento sullo stato attuale delle cose...
Dear members,

Here is the weekly status...

New cancer data: We have received the respun data from Oxford and will be working to see if we get better results now. It will take at least a week to get the data converted, loaded, tested, etc. even if we have no issues, so do not expect this to be available this week. upgrade: We are in the process of acceptance testing for the Member Web portion of the new code drop. Hopefully, that will GA this week, and we can start our initial end to end beta testing on the new hardware starting next week.

Rosetta: We finished another Roseetta job over the weekend which may have caused some agents to go into a backoff state. A new job has been uploaded and enabled so workunits should be available again.

Support via web: I saw at least one post on this over the weekend. As I mentioned in a previous post, support via the Help web page on is broken. If you submit something via the Help web page, you will not get a response back. This should not be a huge issue since support is supposed to go through Member To Member Support on the forums anyway. If you require something specifically from UD support (such as a custom bulk installer) please PM me.

Thanks to everyone for your contribution.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices
1) I dati sul cancro sono stati ricevuti da Oxford e stanno cercando di ottenere risultati migliori. Ora ci vorrà almeno una settimana per i test, i controlli, etc... perciò non dobbiamo apsettarci le nuove caccole disponibili per questa settimana
2)La nuova versione dei Member Services è pronta ai test, e prossimamente potranno iniziare i test finali prima della messa online
3) Rosetta: abbiamo finito un altro lavoro nel weekend che ha portato ad alcuni backing-off dei client. Ora è stato inserito un nuovo (ed ultimo) batch di lavoro
4) ci sono dei problemi con il Supporto via web... Chi ne avesse bisogno può contattare Robby Brewer direttamente via messaggio privato sul forum

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 25-10-2005, 23.27.00   #44
WT Italian Team Leader
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L'avatar di TyDany
Registrato: 07-11-2001
Loc.: Everywhere with Monster Fede: Desmocredente
Messaggi: 7.677
TyDany promette bene
Grazie Pup, puntualissimo come al solito
___________________________________ News! -> Il mio sito... la mia vita e le mie passioni... -> TyDany Fotografia, fotografie sportive, ritratti, paesaggi...
Tutto quello che è stato ora non è più... come un colpo di spugna che tutto cancella...
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Vecchio 02-11-2005, 19.07.05   #45
Gold Member
L'avatar di Puppauz
Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
News dal forum di Grid
Dear members,

Here is the weekly status...

New cancer data: The respun data is being evaluated currently. We hope to have a better status on this later in the week. I have received a few PMs expressing concern about the Rosetta data being completed and having no new data to work on. We are doing everything we can to ensure that the new Cancer data is available prior to the Rosetta data being exhausted. upgrade: The new Member Web product is still in acceptance testing. There were a couple of issues found that needed to be addressed so we did not get as far as I would have liked. Finding bugs is progress though. We will keep testing until everything works correctly and we have a solid system.

Rosetta: These jobs are being blown through with great results. There are a few more weeks of data left, so enjoy it before it goes away. Smile

Support via web: Since there was a complaint about support in a thread and some PMs over the weekend, I will mention this again. Support via the Help web page on is broken. If you submit something via the Help web page, you will not get a response back. This should not be a huge issue since support is supposed to go through Member To Member Support on the forums anyway. If you require something specifically from UD support (such as a custom bulk installer) please PM me.

Geographical stats: There are apparently a few country flags that are not correct. This would have been the case for the last few years since the software has not been updated since then. I will try to dig into this and see what needs to be done to remedy the problem.

Team stats: There was some sort of an issue on October 24 that caused missing team stats for that day. I have our DBA looking into this issue and as soon as we determine why the problem happened, we will correct the data. As some of you might remember, our stats rollup job did not run on time that day. This is an automatic function so something must have broke in the system.

Stats mismatch: I will re-mention this since it has come up a few times recently. The stats shown on the stats web page and the stats shown in the agent GUI (blue pill) are taken from different places in the database and are programmatically unrelated. The stats on the web page are tallied every day and are the "correct" ones. The stats on the agent GUI are a running total that is never recalculated. It is possible for this number to be wrong. When in doubt, go by the number on the stats web page.

Easy News: There is apparently an issue with the Easy News team and redeemed points. Other than the 24th of October stats issue that is still under investigation, all stats are up to date and assumed correct. The point redemption is not part of United Devices software and I cannot comment on that. If someone can explain to me that this is happening because of United Devices software, I will try to investigate this more.

Finally, I would like to mention that there were some posts and PMs that could be considered flames regarding United Devices communication on this forum. I agreed to post a weekly status of any outstanding issues as part of communication. I also answer every PM sent to me, and I respond to posts in the forum when I can. When possible, please remind other members in the forum to check Member News frequently as that is where the majority of communication comes from.

Thanks to everyone for your contribution.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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