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Vecchio 25-01-2007, 21.50.12   #121
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Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
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Puppauz promette bene
News del 22 gennaio
Dear Members,

Here is the weekly status.

Connectivity - some members had problems with connectivity on Friday. I was able to connect and download a fresh WU so it does not appear that the system was down in any way. I suspect that there were some sporadic outages across the internet that caused some members to not be able to connect. Everything seems to be working fine now though.

Thank you for your contribution.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Eng

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 11-03-2007, 14.08.36   #122
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Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
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Puppauz promette bene
Nuova comunicazione del 8 marzo
Dear Members,

Sorry for the late post. I was hoping to have some additional information to share on the status of the migration/upgrade. Unfortunately due to the UD07 conference that UD is holding this week, it does not look like I am going to be able to do that. There should be some information Monday regarding the status of the migration.

Thank you for your contribution.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices
Le comunicazioni precedenti (dall'ultimo post a questa) non le ho riportate in quanto non dicevano nulla di nuovo...

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 15-03-2007, 19.29.09   #123
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Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
Ed ecco la conferma della tanto attesa notizia di gennaio...
Greetings from UD!

My apologies for not posting an update sooner -- in case you aren't aware of this, UD had our yearly conference last week in Boston (see ). Check out the agenda and speakers -- it was our best conference yet!

So, it's time for an update on the migration and beta program I wrote about last quarter. The good news is that the new release of Grid MP is complete and we are still targeting Q2 for the upgrade of (as previously announced).

We are still planning to implement a beta program for testing of this version prior to final upgrade. Several new requirements (including something exciting we'll be announcing by the end of Q2) have necessitated a slight delay in scheduling the beta program, so the target timeline to begin beta has slipped to early Q2 -- though we still intend to complete the full upgrade by end of Q2 as originally planned.

If you've already volunteered for the beta program, thanks! If you would like to, please let us know as there is still time. We will reach out to all volunteers with beta program info in the next few weeks.

So, to summarize, here's what you can expect from UD regarding in the next 3-4 months:

> By early Q2: Beta program initiated
> Mid Q2: Announcement about the next big project
> By end of Q2: migration to the latest release complete

Thanks once again for your support of!

Mary Bass
Director of Marketing
United Devices

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 20-03-2007, 22.10.14   #124
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Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
Messaggi: 2.370
Puppauz promette bene
Comunicazione del 19 marzo
Dear Members,

Here is the weekly status.

Member services - we continue to have a sporadic problem with one of the two web servers. The monitor that we are using to watch this machine has an issue because inbound connection to the web service is successful. Only outbound http is affected. We need a different way to monitor this box. IT is investigating.

Beta program - the beta program will start up as soon as we start migrating the actual software. I will make a public announcement and then we will run the beta using the beta forum. More info will be made as we get closer to that time.

Thank you for your contribution.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 27-03-2007, 13.46.42   #125
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Registrato: 09-04-2003
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Silence promette bene
In effetti...oggi non si connette


Fate del potete - Centralinista e barelliere - Io non uccido

"Non ho nulla di nuovo da insegnare al mondo, la verità e la non violenza sono antiche come le montagne." Mahatma Gandhi
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Vecchio 27-03-2007, 23.42.36   #126
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wilhelm promette bene
Adesso si connette.

Fedele a Franz Joseph, l'ultimo Kaiser!!!
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Vecchio 24-04-2007, 23.51.31   #127
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Registrato: 21-07-2001
Loc.: Legnano (MI)
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Puppauz promette bene
Ciao a tutti, questo non è tanto un aggiornamento sui progetti, al momento tutto tace dal 19 marzo, ma è per segnalare che dopo un paio d'anni hanno finalmente aggiornato l'homepage del sito !
Quasi non ci credevo...

Crunching for WCG , Rosetta and PrimeGrid on BOINC
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Vecchio 27-04-2007, 06.55.52   #128
the real weasle
UD Guastatore
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the real weasle promette bene
UD Chiude i battenti

With seven years and five projects under its belt, has successfully completed its mission: To evangelize the benefits (and demonstrate the viability and security) of large-scale Internet-based grid computing. Therefore, it is with great pride for all the accomplishments of this pioneering resource, and above all with the utmost gratitude to each of our members around the globe, that we announce will be retiring on Friday, April 27, 2007.

We’ll be making a public announcement on the site later this week, but we felt it was important to give you, our loyal member base, an early heads-up out of respect for the years of support you’ve given to This way you’ll have time to gather final statistics, exchange contact info, and prepare for the official shutdown.

What exactly is happening:
At 12:00 noon Central Time on Friday, April 27, will retire: Jobs will stop running, forums will be closed, and the website will be updated to reflect the retired status of this resource. We will leave the actual servers up for 1 week, so agent messages about this action can continue to be sent to members around the globe who might not check forums regularly. We will also leave the Stats up for one week so you have plenty of time to gather this data. After that, only the Home and Projects pages will remain, along with the instructions for uninstalling the agent ( ).

Why? has completed its established mission to prove the benefits and viability of Internet-based grid computing. was the largest and most ambitious public interest grid venture ever attempted when it was conceived – and thanks to (and more specifically to all of you), today such a grid is no longer a novelty. Many public grids are now available, sponsored by large organizations better positioned to provide support to millions of member volunteers and the scientists who leverage their processing power. So, with the underlying technologies now well established globally in both public and private research programs,’s goal of establishing the underlying technology has been achieved.

But what about…
We realize that over the past few months, has made several announcements about upgrades coming in anticipation of a couple of new projects that we were working on. While we were fairly optimistic about these projects being launched, they ultimately fell through for a number of reasons. We realize that many of you had looked forward to participating in a beta program ahead of launching these projects, and we’re sorry you won’t have that opportunity.

Moving on: Where to go from here?
It’s clear from your years of loyalty to that Internet-based research projects of this kind are important to you… and so we’re sure many of you will take your valuable resources to other projects of this kind that are ready and willing to accept you as new members.

Below are just a few of the projects we encourage you to investigate:
> World Community Grid ( ), operated by IBM
> ( ), operated by
> Compute Against Cancer ( ), operated by National Cancer Institute
> Folding@Home ( ), operated by Stanford University
> fightAIDS@Home ( ), operated by Olson Lab at Scripps Research Institute
> LHC@home ( ), operated by CERN
> Distributed Folding ( ), operated by a group of partners including Hogue Bioinformatics Research Lab, Mount Sinai Hospital, and University of Toronto
> SETI@home ( ), operated by University of California at Berkeley

Also, here are a few great sites to visit to learn more about these and other projects:


Uninstalling the agent
The agent will no longer be processing work after Friday at noon, so you will want to uninstall it from your home device. Here’s how: . Some more explicit instructions, including Troubleshooting, will be posted online Friday when actually retires.

Last but not least
As we’ve tried to emphasize not only in this announcement but throughout our years of operations, we are fully aware of the debt of gratitude we owe to all of you, our loyal members.

The excellent work has done, both in contributing massive research power to critical health research and in establishing this kind of research as viable, would not have been possible without your faith, efforts, and donations of compute power and goodwill. There is no superlative high enough to describe the value we place on your ongoing support for, and so we simply say Thank you, and we hope you feel as proud as we do of the work you’ve done.

The Team

Jekol, ti verrà il mal di testa leggendo sopra, ma ancora di più mentre traduco:
Raga, non ci posso credere... La pillolina blu chiude i battenti! Finito. Nada più.
Oggi bloccano anche il forum ufficiale.

Ore 19:00 ora solare Italiane del 27 Aprile 2007 (se non ho sbagliato i calcoli) chiudono tutto.

Lasciano su statistiche per una settimana e poi anche quelle non ci saranno più.
Che tristezza... mi mancano le parole.

Posso suggerire un altro progetto valido (non tra quelli che suggeriscono loro) che io personalmente reputo di assoluta importanza -visto anche quello che ci sta succedendo meteorologicamente parlando?

O meglio un invito in Italiano:

dalla homepage (per i lombardi) date un occhiata qui:

Un caro saluto ragazzi!
Il guastatore non serve più.

Un invito sul forum ufficiale a creare il 3d più lungo mai fatto, e magari salutare tutti:
Credo che qualsiasi lingua vada bene...


Ultima modifica di the real weasle : 27-04-2007 alle ore 07.40.12
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Vecchio 27-04-2007, 08.57.31   #129
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Registrato: 19-04-2000
Loc.: Portese - Lago di Garda ora sono ad Urac -->WinTricksItalianTeam: 1°
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vaxxo promette bene
Siam passati da un nuovo programma alla chiusura??

Beh , i miei PC cercano delle opere buone da "scaccolare".
Dovremmo indire un Referendum per trovare un nuovo progetto!
che ne dite?

Ama, e fai quello che vuoi (S.Agostino)
Ricordatevi che vi voglio bene ... (Vaxxo)
Dai una missione al tuo PC aiutando la ricerca sul cancro!

Ultima modifica di vaxxo : 27-04-2007 alle ore 09.06.16
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Vecchio 27-04-2007, 09.08.24   #130
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Registrato: 10-01-2002
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Jekol promette bene
Devo dire, a onor del vero, che non mi sorprende più di tanto la decisione di discontinuare il progetto.
Era da tempo che l'iniziale spinta emotiva si era scontrata con la realtà dei fatti: l'inesistenza del fine della ricerca!
Tutti c'eravamo illusi che, aderendo, avremmo contribuito, anche se per poco, a trovare la fantomatica "cura" ... ed invece ...

Ulteriore conferma la trovo nel messaggio R.I.P. dove, dopo missione, si legge: To evangelize the benefits (and demonstrate the viability and security) of large-scale Internet-based grid computing.
Era questa la missione ???
Avrei preferito un report sui progressi scientifici conseguiti ...

Scusate lo sfogo

già Cruncher for Italian Team
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Vecchio 27-04-2007, 09.29.54   #131
Messaggi: n/a
Inviato da vaxxo
Beh , i miei PC cercano delle opere buone da "scaccolare".
Dovremmo indire un Referendum per trovare un nuovo progetto!
che ne dite?
Quoto... io ci sono!! Avevo iniziato da poco a contribuire a questo progetto...

Condivido l'amarezza di Jekol... mi aspettavo anch'io qualche risultato sulla ricerca e non un semplice "il grid computing funziona ed è sicuro".
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Vecchio 27-04-2007, 09.35.23   #132
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Registrato: 10-01-2002
Loc.: Catania
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Jekol promette bene
Inviato da the real weasle
Un invito sul forum ufficiale a creare il 3d più lungo mai fatto, e magari salutare tutti:
Credo che qualsiasi lingua vada bene...
eh eh eh ... guarda che ti prendo alla lettera ... e poi non dirmi che facciamo la solita figuraccia

già Cruncher for Italian Team
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Vecchio 27-04-2007, 10.08.33   #133
the real weasle
UD Guastatore
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Loc.: Milano
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the real weasle promette bene
Ho scritto sia al creatore del programma di United Devices che al manutentore del sito della Oxford University chiedendo un resoconto di cosa abbiamo prodotto in termini di ricerca... vediamo se ricevo qualche risposta.
Certo è che non sono in grado di sapere cosa abbiamo fatto in quanto loro non curavano la parte relativa alla ricerca.

Altra cosa: ripropongo

Funziona su Boinc, e quindi tutti potrebbero aderire ai progetti che più gli stanno a cuore. Cosa che è certa voglio avere un istituto di ricerca seria. Non mi va di fare ricerca pensando che vada a produrre profitto per una multinazionale.
Anche climate prediction è sponsorizzata dalla Oxford University.

Un saluto, TRW
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Vecchio 27-04-2007, 13.08.12   #134
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Lionsquid promette bene
una chiusura così inaspettata puzza,... chissà cosa c'è sotto ...

non ha senso lasciare incompiuto il progetto

cmq, sono daccordo con jekol, davvero triste

propronete un nuovo progetto, meglio fare un non so se aderirò, e in ogni caso ormai potrei aderire con soli 3 pc

... questi politicanti, ex fascisti, ex leghisti, piduisti a tempo pieno usano la crisi per rafforzare il loro potere ed eliminare gli altri, dalla magistratura, al Parlamento, alla Corte dei conti, alla presidenza della Repubblica....
Beppe Grillo
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Vecchio 27-04-2007, 14.18.28   #135
the real weasle
UD Guastatore
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Loc.: Milano
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the real weasle promette bene
Ciao Lion,

Non ho idea di cosa ci sia sotto, ma sono d'accordo... i conti non tornano.
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