<div align="center"><a href="http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/9800/mwavvw2.jpg" target="_blank" title="eScan AntiVirus Toolkit Utility"><img border="0" src="http://www.mwti.net/images/mwav_image.gif" alt="" /></a><br /><br /><br /><br /><strong><font size="4" face="Verdana" color="#527bb5">eScan AntiVirus Toolkit Utility 9.5.4</font></strong></div><p> </p><div align="justify"><strong>eScan AntiVirus Toolkit Utility</strong> (anche noto come <strong>MWAV</strong>) consente di rilevare eventuali virus, spyware, trojan, keylogger ecc, che possono infettare il vostro sistema; <u>la versione free non permette di rimuovere questi componenti, ma svolge comunque un'accurata analisi, facilitando l'individuazione di eventuali problemi</u>.<br />Le sue caratteristiche:<ul> <li>Scans your computer completely and provides reports of any viruses that it finds.</li> <li>Checks for all illegal dialers that are present on your computer and informs you of the same.</li> <li>Informs you of any background illegal sniffers or tools like spywares, adwares, keyloggers etc. running in the memory of your computer.</li> <li>You can add this utility to the startup list of programs on your computer so that it scans your computer every time you start using it.</li> <li>When you download this utility you will get it with the latest updated list of viruses so that it scans your computer for all known viruses.</li></ul>Per chi fosse interessato a rimuovere il malware trovato tramite MWAV, il costo è di 9,95$/mese; oppure è possibile acquistare <a href="http://www.mwti.net/products/escan/escan_antivirus/escanantivirus.asp" target="_blank">eScan</a>, la soluzione antivirus di MicroWorld (25$/anno).</div><p> </p><table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" align="left"> <tbody> <tr> <td><img width="20" height="20" src="http://www.wintricks.it/image/icons/homeicon.gif" alt="" /></td> <td bgcolor="#527bb5"><font size="1" color="#ffffff"><strong>Più info</strong></font></td> <td><font size="2"><a href="http://www.mwti.net/products/mwav/mwav.asp" target="_blank">MWAV</a> by <a href="http://www.mwti.net" target="_blank">MicroWorld Technologies Inc.</a></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img width="20" height="20" src="http://www.wintricks.it/image/icons/winflag.gif" alt="" /></td> <td bgcolor="#527bb5"><font size="1" color="#ffffff"><strong>Sistemi operativi</strong></font></td> <td><font size="2">Windows</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img width="20" height="20" src="http://www.wintricks.it/image/icons/progfolder.gif" alt="" /></td> <td bgcolor="#527bb5"><font size="1" color="#ffffff"><strong>Licenza</strong></font></td> <td><font size="2">Freeware</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img width="20" height="20" src="http://www.wintricks.it/image/icons/filesize.gif" alt="" /></td> <td bgcolor="#527bb5"><font size="1" color="#ffffff"><strong>Download</strong></font></td> <td><font size="2"><a href="http://www.mwti.net/download/tools/mwav.exe">MWAV 9.5.4</a> [19,5 MB] <font size="1" color="#ff6600">standalone</font> <img src="http://www.wintricks.it/wtstaff/loghi/ico-ita.png" alt="" /></font></td> </tr> </tbody></table><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />