Visualizza versione completa : Settare il FW di XP SP2

19-11-2004, 14.35.18
<p align="center"><img hspace="0" src="http://www.microsoft.com/library/toolbar/3.0/images/banners/ms_masthead_ltr.gif" align="baseline" border="0" /></p><p>Ci è stato segnalato dal ns. Giorgius, un interessante articolo <font size="1">(per ora in inglese)</font> su come settare e personalizzare il Firewall integrato di Windows Xp , Service Pack 2.</p><h2 class="subHeadingHeavy"><font size="1">Overview</font></h2><p><font class="detailsContent" size="1">Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) includes the Windows Firewall, a replacement for the Internet Connection Firewall component in previous versions of Windows XP. Windows Firewall is a stateful host firewall that discards unsolicited incoming traffic, providing a level of protection for computers against malicious users or programs. To provide better protection for computers connected to any kind of network (such as the Internet, a home network, or an organization network), Windows XP SP2 enables Windows Firewall on all network connections by default.</font></p><br><br><a href="../../framer.php?url=http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=cb307a1d-2f97-4e63-a581-bf25685b4c43&displaylang=en" target="_blank"> <li>leggi l'articolo Microsoft</li> </a><br><br><br><br>