09-07-2018, 18.30.44
A causa di un grosso bug che corrompe il testo della mail per la presenza di allegati, il pacchetto è stato annullato. Tornate alla v52.8 nell'attesa di eventi futuri.
Thunderbird 52.9.0 shipped July 3. However a dataloss bug was
uncovered, where
"Detaching attachments corrupts the main body of the e-mail text" -
probably not something most users do but regardless an undesirable
result. Therefore updates to 52.9.0 have been stopped and the version
removed from official Thunderbird download pages. An update with a fix
will be provided shortly.
A causa di un grosso bug che corrompe il testo della mail per la presenza di allegati, il pacchetto è stato annullato. Tornate alla v52.8 nell'attesa di eventi futuri.
Thunderbird 52.9.0 shipped July 3. However a dataloss bug was
uncovered, where
"Detaching attachments corrupts the main body of the e-mail text" -
probably not something most users do but regardless an undesirable
result. Therefore updates to 52.9.0 have been stopped and the version
removed from official Thunderbird download pages. An update with a fix
will be provided shortly.