Visualizza versione completa : Svizzera: Assassinata con il fratello ex sciatrice Corinne Rey-Bellet
01-05-2006, 14.12.25
LES CROSETS (Svizzera) - L'ex sciatrice svizzera Corinne Rey-Bellet, argento in discesa ai Mondiali di St.Moritz, e' stata assassinata insieme al fratello Alain, 32 anni, domenica sera nella sua abitazione di Les Crosets da uno sconosciuto. Gravemente ferita la madre dell'atleta. Lo ha reso noto la polizia elvetica del cantone del Valais. L'assassino ha sparato numerosi colpi di arma da fuoco e poi si e' dato alla fuga. La 34enne elvetica si era ritirata dalle gare nel 2003. (Agr)
01-05-2006, 14.14.54
An unknown attacker killed the 33-year-old, who retired from top-level skiing in 2003, and her brother on Sunday night. The attack occurred in the resort of Les Crosets. Rey-Bellet's mother was also seriously hurt by gunfire and is now in hospital. Cantonal police said the still unidentified attacker - a man who entered the house before opening fire - fled the scene when they arrived. A manhunt is still underway...
Former Swiss skier Rey-Bellet shot dead
01-05-2006, 14.15.29 ooting_val106.jpg?x=380&y=256&sig=dHj92wgm8PinJ3OZNrVb5A--
Swiss ski racer Corinne Rey-Bellet, center, poses with her mother Verena, left, and father Adrien, right, after a Super G race in Val d'Isere, France, in this December 18, 1997 file photo. Former Swiss skiing star Corinne Rey-Bellet was shot to death along with her brother Alain in their parents' home, police said Monday, May 1, 2006. Their mother was hospitalized with serious injuries from the attack late Sunday in the Swiss mountain resort of Les Crosets, according to a statement from Valais cantonal (state) police. Police said the attacker fled the scene before they arrived. (AP Photo/Keystone, Alessandro della Valle)
01-05-2006, 21.37.08 stg999.jpg?x=245&y=345&sig=x7c0e0ElckeJKO6v3xEu5A--
Coniuge ha ucciso campionessa e fratello, e ferito madre...
02-05-2006, 18.28.04
Non so minimamente chi sia, comunque condoglianze (F)
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